Alchol, smoking habits and narcotics
The Danish Health Authority monitors the overall drug situation in Denmark and is responsible for tasks related to the prevention and treatment of drug abuse.
The fight against drug abuse is a collaborate effort among the relevant stakeholders - for example, the police, the judiciary, the health authorities and social services, the Danish Customs Agency and the local and regional authorities.
The Danish Health Authority examines and monitors new psychoactive substances and disseminates its findings, while the municipalities are responsible for specific prevention efforts.
Treatment of substance abuse
We set professional guidelines for specific medical treatment of drug abuse and are responsible for monitoring treatment efforts in the municipalities.
Drug monitoring
We serve as the national focal point for drug monitoring and studies of drug use in the population.
International collaborations
The Danish Health Authority represent Denmark in several international forums – globally, within the EU and with the Nordic countries.
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
The Council of Europe - The Pompidou Group
Smoking habits
Alcohol consumption remains one of the major risk factors for disease and premature mortality in Europe. Alcohol is an organic solvent that can cause at least seven types of cancer and contribute to the development of over 60 different diseases, including gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, high blood pressure and weakened immune system as well as a number of mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Four out of five adult Danes drink alcohol during the course of a year, and Danes generally have a high alcohol consumption. Excessive consumption of alcohol can have personal, health and economic consequences not only for the person who drinks but also for his/her relatives. There are also significant socio-economic consequences related to the consumption of alcohol.
The Danish Health Authority disseminates knowledge and creates awareness – for example through campaigns to reduce alcohol consumptions – and collaborates internationally with The Nordic Council of Ministers, EU and WHO.
Learn more
WHO: recent publication on alcohol