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The organisational structure consists of an Executive Board, the Secretariat, Communication and eight departments.

The Executive Board

The Executive Board includes the Director General and two Deputy Directors Generals. The Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Danish Health Authority. 

Director General: Jonas Egebart

Deputy Directors Generals: Steen Dalsgård Jespersen and Nanna Skovgaard



Education is responsible for the administration and development of the quality of the training for specialist doctors and dentists and further training for nurses. The department also processes applications for experimental treatments and highly specialised treatment abroad.

Director: Claus Malta Nielsen, clmn@sst.dk


Elderly and Dementia is responsible for rehabilitation, prevention and support for the elderly who have or are at risk of functional loss. A major focus area is to strengthen and ensure consistency between healthcare and social care efforts for senior citizens and people with dementia.

Director: Mads Biering la Cour, mbco@sst.dk


Evidence and analysis

Director Maria Herlev Ahrenfeldt, maha@sst.dk


Health Promotion and Primary Healthcare

Acting Director: Louise Bredal Mørk Lauridsen


Hospital Planning and Patient Pathways

Director: Agnete Vale Nielsen, agvn@sst.dk


National Health Planning and Public Health

Director: Tanja Popp, tmpo@sst.dk


Preparedness and infectious diseases is responsible for the national health emergency plan, the Danish childhood immunisation programme and other tasks related to the prevention of infectious and communicable diseases. 

Director: Kirstine Moll Harboe, kmha@sst.dk


Radiation Protection undertakes all regulatory functions and statutory duties related to radiation protection – wherever ionising radiation exists, is used or produced. 

Director: Kresten Breddam, krb@sst.dk



Accounting and administration is responsible for accounting, administratio and management information as regards the entire Ministry for the Interior and Health.

Director Michael Andersen, mica@sst.dk


Communication is responsible for the Authority's internal and external communication, including inquiries from the press, social media, website, visual identity, campaigns, etc.

Acting Director Rikke Liebst, rikl@sst.dk


The Secretariat provides administrative support to the Executive Board and the entire organisation.

Director: Søs Holm Schack

Updated 28 MAR 2025